SCAIL - Combustion 

June 11th, 2024: SCAIL background pollution maps for the UK have been updated to the the years 2020-2022 in line with current APIS (see announcement). We have also introduced a new Hybrid mode for users (see User Guide for details of how to use it).


NOTICE SCAIL agriculture and SCAIL combustion have been updated in May 2023 with new meteorological stations (see maps displaying the original set (red) and the set that was added (blue)). Whereas the SCAIL tool implementation changed only marginally since, substantial changes in estimates may be noticed if running a former case, as SCAIL may now use a different meteorological station. If you are unsure about your meteorological station, it is indicated in the .INP file after the keywords ME SURFFILE and ME PROFFILE (4 letters abbreviation). It is also specified in the Results page under Site Information.


Simple Calculation of Atmospheric Impact Limits from Combustion Sources (SCAIL-Combustion) is a screening tool for assessing the impact from combustion plant on semi-natural areas like SSSIs and SACs. The model provides an estimate of the amount of acidity, nitrogen and sulphur deposited on a habitat from the combustion source. This value can then be used to assess whether impact limits for the habitats are exceeded or not.

Project Details
Project Notes  
Project Run Mode    Hybrid Mode  Conservative Mode  Realistic Mode
Location Details
Select Country  
Installation Details
Installation Name  
Installation Location  
Landranger x,y
Stack details:
Stack Delete
Stack Name
New or Existing
Stack Height metres
Stack inner diameter metres
Stack Gas Temperature °C
Stack Gas Velocity m/s
NOx Emission rate
SO2 Emission rate
PM10 Emission rate
Operating hours hours
Stack Grid Reference
Landranger x,y
Plant Capacity Megawatt Sulphurous non-Sulphurous
Designated Site details:
Search Radius   km  
No. of Designated Sites 
0 found
User specified site Delete
Site Name
Site Location
Landranger x,y
Habitat within site  
Human Health Receptor Details
Receptor Delete PM10 percentile   
NO2 percentile    
SO2 percentile    
Receptor Name
Receptor Location
Landranger x,y